Our 2 Scores of Facets

Evaluation / Documentation of Missing Teeth
Evaluation of missing teeth from various critical positions so as to avoid collapse of the bite. Missing teeth are like stress bearing walls, missing in a building -
these could cause to excessively wear out, crack or split.

Evaluation / Documentation of Crossbites of Teeth
Teeth in the upper jaw sit over the teeth in the lower jaw. Any discrepany needs to be thoroughly evaluated and explained. Non treatment of cross bite could
lead to progressive deterioration of teeth and jaws joints.

Evaluation / Documentation of Crowding of teeth
Crowding is the haphazard alignment of teeth overlapping one another can lead to consistent, improper cleaning, bleeding and bone loss. Generally treatment at any age is possible besides increases the longetivity of teeth and the jaws.

Tooth Colour Assessment
Evaluation of tooth colour (whiteness) helps us to determine if a patient has had any history of trauma, staining or decay. Early treatment increases the lifespan of the teeth and their appearance.(whiteness)

Cracks Evaluation
Any cracks in the teeth structure can lead to severe pain and tooth loss in the future. Cracks in teeth are similar to cracks in a mobile phone screen. Treatment
at an early stage helps.

Examination and Noting of Heavily Filled Teeth
Teeth with more than 50 % filling material and less tooth structure are very prone to fracture. Such teeth should be covered with ONLAYS.

Digital X Rays & Photos
With digital x-rays we reduce radiation exposure to minimal levels. Digital photos & images allow us to investigate in greater detail. Thus improving our diagnosis of cracks, decay and breakdown of older fillings, before they become an E M E R G E N C Y.

Explanation of problems in Patients Language
We use language that is understood by the patient rather than technical / medical / dental jargaon. Languages we transact at the Dr Lall's Dental Specialities: English, Hindi, Kannada, Nepalese & Punjabi.

Options given for treatment available
Over the last two decades, there have been vast improvements in technology. Dental practitioners at Dr Lall's Dental Specialities keep themselves abreast with
modern techniques by attending Continuing Dental Education(CDE) Programs so we can give our patients more options for treatment depending on what they can afford. The pros and cons of every option are explained.

Payment and fees discussed openly
During consultation, your dental practitioner from Dr Lall's Dental Specialities will explain the approximate fees of all the options so there are no surprises, most of the times.