Our 2 Scores of Facets

(Spray or Gel used before the actual injection)
20 % anaesthetic gel or spray is applied on the gums as it helps to numb the gums. You will hardly notice an injection! Many patients don’t believe us when we
tell them that injection is already done .

Only Finest & Accredited Dental Labs used
We use Labs that have reliability and excellent back up so that in case of a problem we can go back to them with ease and speed.

Follow Up Appointments Prebooking
To make things easy, at Dr Lall's Dental Specialities, we will prebook your next appointment, even if it is six months ahead. Closer to the date, we will send you
a reminder on phone and/or whatsapp or email.

No touch cross infection technique
We take cleanliness and sterilisation very seriously for the utmost safety of our patients. We follow strict infection control procedures at Dr Lall's Dental Specialities. The ‘no touch’ cross infection technique ensures no spread of germs from one person to the next. We take extra steps and undergo special training
for this.

Clean Air flow in the Operatory
Unidirectional Air-flow & Negative Pressure in the clinic operatory with approximately 10 air exchanges per hour ensures you are in an E X T R A - S A F E zone for your dental treatment.

Our Practice Accreditations
Our Doctors are Fellows and Members of Professional Bodies in India & Worldwide.They utilize best practices learnt at Dr Lall's Dental Specialities.

Organise appointments with specialists
Dr Lall's Dental Specialities has a panel of specialists visiting for expert care of patients. For convenience of patients, we do refer other specialists / consultants
in other cities, states and countries.

Understanding Prescriptions
At Dr Lall's Dental Specialities our prescriptions are type-written to ensure legibility to all our patients. If you find it difficult to undestand a prescription, we
will help explain it to you how and when to have your medicinces. Please bring the prescription along with you during your appointment.

Second Opinion
We would be happy to provide a second opinion on your dental treatment. Please let us know in advance while making an appointment. We would request
you to carry all old X-rays, OPG's and diagnostic test results with you. Getting a second opinion can help you feel more confident about your diagnosis & dental treatment plan. Maybe you need another expert at Dr Lall’s Dental Specialities to validate the treatment. We exhort you to make informed decisions only after you have been thoroughly informed about your diagnosis, prognosis and available treatment options.

Differently Abled Patients Wheelchair available
Home Visits
Wheelchair is available for differently-abled patients. For differently-abled patients, appointments may be scheduled for home visits Kindly speak to us, for
scheduling an appointment: +91 999 014 2085